What Is Estate Planning?
Estate planning is the process of arranging ownership and use of assets to help meet lifetime financial objectives in a tax efficient manner, and simultaneously help provide for survivors’ needs and the disposition of property at death. A carefully implemented estate plan can help to:
- Create and conserve assets during life
- Minimize death taxes and estate settlement costs
- Ensure that cash is available to pay unavoidable taxes and costs
- Provide an orderly distribution of assets that meets the estate owner’s objectives and intentions
- Provide peace of mind and family harmony.
Estate Planning Supporting Material
- Legacy Planning for the Farming Community
- NY Rules for Calculating Executor Fees or Commissions
- Estate Equalization – Strategy to help balance out what each beneficiaries receives from the distribution of an estate at death.
- The Titanic Shift That Just Occurred for 401(k) and IRA Savers